Morgan's been breaking out of her swaddle blanket at night lately. I'll check her out in the video monitor and her left arm has suddenly escaped and is wiggling around. We use what is called "The Miracle Blanket." It is a specially designed blanket that wraps her up tightly with her arms at her sides. It is supposed to mimic the security of being in the womb. I really believe it has helped her sleep better and more soundly, especially when she was in the height of her newborn "startle reflex" stage. If her arms are held still she wouldn't wake herself up with her spastic movements. We fondly refer to blanket/swaddled state as "the burrito." It really does wrap her up tight, so I was shocked that she is able to work an arm out.
Well, she will be four months old on Saturday and we need to decide whether we will wean her her from the blanket or just go cold turkey without it. At four months the startle reflex should disappear. About a month ago we stopped putting her legs in the pocket. She just was getting too long for it. She didn't have any problem at all with this. Now the arms are starting to come free. We tried a night without the blanket a few days ago and it wasn't much of a success. Her little arms/hands kept flying up and hitting her in the face, poor thing. Maybe another week or two and we'll give it another try.
Until then, Baby Houdini will continue her night-time tricks.
Graysen was so strong he was breaking out of his "burrito" when he was only a couple weeks old. We stopped and put him in a sleep sack and he has been fine ever since. He hated to be swaddled for some reason. Good luck!
DD started breaking her arms out of the swaddle around 3 1/2m. I made a post on my blog about how we needed to stop using the MB, and I had someone post a comment that they'd talked to the company and they recommend just going cold turkey, that you might have two or three nights of troubled sleep but by night 3 or 4, they should be fine sleeping on their own. We tried it the weekend (Memorial Day weekend, in case it wasn't successful) she turned 4 months old, and we were so nervous, but it went perfectly.
Here are some of my posts about it.
Night 1:
Night 2:
From night 2 on, she went back to STTN without the MB. :) I hope that helps!!
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