We headed home after the parade to get ready to go to the beach...and Morgan started to act a bit odd. She was really fussy and her head felt warm. We took her temp...102.7! Of course all the Urgent Care centers are closed on a holiday...then we remembered one of our neighbors is a pediatric nurse practitioner. She came to the rescue and said it just sounded like a cold combined with some teething (more on that in a post to come). She gave us some baby Advil and within an hour or so her temp was back to normal and she was much more herself. Another nap helped out a lot too.
Later in the evening we went to our friends' home on Liberty Lake for the fireworks. We were a little sad because we had wanted to take Morgan swimming in the lake, but that will have to wait. Here a few pics from the rest of the evening. Our little one nodded off before the fireworks started and only stirred a little at the really loud ones.

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