Where to recap? Auntie Ali came into town to stake her claim as favorite aunt. So far, she's got a pretty healthy lead. While Meg worked on Friday, Auntie and I took Morgan out on a secret mission for a Mother's Day gift. (Don't tell Meg - the gift is still in the process of being delivered.)
We followed that with a trip to the offices of the Spokane Shock (The local Arena Football team, and my former employer.) I told Ali to be prepared, and sure enough everyone in the office said hello to Morgan, myself.... and Meg?!? (They're identical twins, honest mistake.)
The next night we took Morgan to her first Shock game. Luckily we're good enough friends with the owners that we got to sit in their suite, rather than among the rabid throng of over 10,000 fans. Some day she'll be one of them, but the substantially tamer environment of the suite was just the ticket. She didn't flinch during the pre-game pyrotechnics, watched mommy and auntie consume mini-doughnuts (an Arena favorite) and was as amused by chomping on her bib as she was by the game.
What a trooper! Not a peep the entire game. She endured almost 3 hours of football, being handed off to friends who hadn't met her yet, and the constant drone crowd mixed with loud PA guy. As an added bonus she got to go down on the field after the game and hang out with her buddy Elijah (the coaches son, who's just 3 weeks older.)
Mother's Day was a mellow day at home. She took a nap with mommy, had some more quality time with Auntie Ali, and impressed the assembled crowd with her latest trick - rolling from back to stomach and back.
I think she's also starting to develop an appreciation for how great a mommy she has. Since we've been together, Meg's said that she'd like to find her passion in life. Mission accomplished. My beautiful wife was made to be a mom. I've told others that I may not be the love of her life anymore (that's a really good thing, mind you.) Morgan has stolen her heart. I know when Meg initially said this she might have meant professional passion. So my greatest gift to her will hopefully come at the end of summer, when she'll most likely start her full-time job as a stay at home mom!
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