Friday, May 30, 2008
Cosmo Girls
David and Karolyn's husband Chris are doing "Daddy Duty" and taking care of the kiddos. Chris and Karolyn have two adorable girls, Kelsey is three and Kirsten is almost 9 months. We'll also be stopping in at my favorite spot, Twigs, for the famous cosmopolitans after the movie. We also can't forget their fabulous gorgonzola fries! Don't wait up guys!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Flying "Bumbo" Ride?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Fussy Butt and Stinky Sleeper
Now becoming bored with the usual nicknames, I decided this weekend to start using a name I felt applied to her temperment for that day. Yesterday she became "Fussy Butt." She was having a fussy day that I haven't seen since the colicky early months. She woke up several times that morning and was a challenge to get back to sleep. Then she was up for the day about 7 am. About 2 hours later she showed all signs of being sleepy (yawns, rubbing eyes), but refused to take a nap. Finally at almost noon she either she gave in to pure exhaustion or she was calmed by the loud static we played from the radio in her room. Sigh. Luckily she woke up about an hour and a half later much happier.
This morning she earned the name "Stinky Sleeper." Now, she wasn't actually stinky, but lately she has not been sleeping well. She has learned to roll over on her tummy and now prefers to sleep that way. We'll put her to sleep on her back and she'll stay that way for a few hours. Then she'll wake up, roll over and fuss for a while until she falls back asleep. She did that at about 11:00 pm last night. Then she woke up at about 1:15 and showed no signs of going back to sleep. I finally got up and fed her. She went back to sleep, then woke up at 5:15 am for the day. We hope she gets back to her 8-9 hour stretches of sleep again soon.
We are crossing our fingers for "happy baby" or "giggle girl" tomorrow.
Monday, May 26, 2008
We are happy to report that the Shock won again on Saturday! We beat the Austin Wranglers 62-42. Still undefeated! Below is Morgan's friend Elijah who's daddy is the head coach. Elijah is about 3 weeks older than Morgan. Elijah's Mommy, Migdalia, is already teaching Elijah that he needs to "protect" Morgan when they start school together. I'm not sure what she needs to be protected from, but we like that she's already making friends. They actually acknowledged each other this time. Usually they barely look at each other. There might have even been a little hand-holding!

Roaring Rapids
The extra water has also created quite a spectacle of Spokane Falls that runs through downtown. There were a few days last week where the pedestrian bridge was closed due to the high water spray. After church yesterday we decided to go take a look. Here are a few on the pictures to see them larger:

David took that last picture. I wouldn't walk across the bridge with Morgan. It looked scary to me. There were lots of folks out there to take a look. There was also a very long line for the gondola ride that travels across the water, suspended above the rapids. Yikes! Many pedestrians were drenched from the spray, but having a great time.
We're off to do some Memorial Day shopping. Wish us luck...and hope we don't spend too much money! :-)
Saturday, May 24, 2008
A Long Week
We are ecstatic to have a long weekend with our little one. We are off to some friends' house to "watch" the Shock game. It will be broadcast over the internet. I can't imagine us all sitting around the computer, so I think I'll check in from time to time. The guys will keep us girls updated. Morgan's friend Elijah (and his mommy Migdalia) will be there so it will be sure to be a fun time. We'll take lots of pictures!! Go Shock!!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Cracking us Up
Tonight she took turns looking at each person around the table, Grandma, Daddy, Grandpa and Mommy. She'd give that person a big smile and end it with a sort of squeak/squeal...then she'd make the chewing motions. We really don't know why she was doing this, but the more we laughed, the louder and funnier she got. It was like she wanted to be sure she got a reaction from all of us. She sure likes to be the center of attention...she must take after her Daddy that way. A few more weeks until solid foods little one...until then we'll enjoy watching you "eat."
Monday, May 19, 2008
A Day at a Different Park

Thursday, May 15, 2008
Bedtime for Baby
The post asked for advice on bedtime routines. For her first month or two "bedtime" was somewhat of a far-off concept for us. We just made every effort we could to try to help her tell the difference between day and night and get her to sleep more than two or three hours at a time, especially at night.
In hopes of someday getting more sleep we did try to establish a bedtime routine fairly early. Morgan went to bed pretty late in the evening, around 10 or 11 pm. I really don't remember why that became the case, but we were still trying nursing at the time and I think it worked in with the schedule we had from the lactation consultant. Anyway, our "routine" consisted of a bath, applying calming lavender lotion, swaddling her, a final feeding...and hopefully, holding our breath, dare we jostle her even a little, we'd put her down in the bassinet to sleep.
At six weeks old, we moved Morgan to her crib. We had originally planned to keep her in our room until she was about 3 months old. But...there are things no one tells you about with newborns that you have to discover on your own. The strange and startling noises she would make in her sleep kept us on edge most of the night, making our precious sleep rather disturbed. When we moved her to her own room, she was still close enough so we could clearly hear her cries, but just far enough away that every peep and squeak was muted just enough.
When Morgan got bigger, and thus slept in longer stretches, we slowly started to move her bedtime up. I had read in my Baby 411 book (great resource new Mommies!) that the best time for a baby's bedtime is between 7 and 8:30 pm. So this was the goal and it probably took us about two weeks to get her there. Now we pretty consistently have her asleep by 8:00 pm during the week. Here is an example of our current routine:
5:00 or 5:30 - Home from daycare (depending on who is picking her up) - Playtime
6:00 - Bottle, play or hang in high chair or jumperoo while Mom and Dad eat dinner
7:15 - Bath
7:25 - Lotion/Massage, put on PJs
7:30 - Last Bottle
8:00 - Put in crib drowsy, falls asleep
We do have a lot of fun during this evening schedule. Morgan likes her baths. We talk to her and sing to her. Baths at this point are quick. Since we do them most nights we are also light on the soap because it can really dry her out in our climate. After drying her off we still do some lotion and massage. She makes the funniest noises and faces while we are doing this! She likes to play with her bath towel and is learning peek-a-boo. And finally, rocking her in the glider chair is such a sweet time as she relaxes and drifts off to sleep as she enjoys her bottle.
I'm curious how her routine changes when we start her on some solid foods next month. Its exciting, but also bittersweet as she is growing and changing so fast. We are doing our best to enjoy every stage along the way. How can you look at that sweet face and not fall in love again and again?!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
What a weekend!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Little Handprints

I'm having a nice Mother's Day. I got to sleep late. David made a delicious Creme Brulee french toast and I got some great presents from my parents, Morgan and my sister. Now he's out getting me my favorite Cappuccino Blast from Baskin-Robbins. Ali and I are hanging with Morgan. What more could I ask for?! It's a great first Mother's Day!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Auntie Ali's in the House
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Scared the Poop out of Her
The funny part was that Miss Sherry said that she had just changed Morgan's diaper right before the drill started and when they got back in the building she discovered that Morgan had pooped. The fire drill literally scared the poop out of her! Hee hee!
I hope this doesn't sound mean that I laughed. I hate the idea that this upset her, but somehow it struck me as funny too. Please forgive me.
Red Paint?
I also chatted briefly with Center Director. She was so cute. She said that Morgan had a good day and she (the Director) had "gotten" to feed her twice. We get a lot of comments from the teachers about how content and happy Morgan has been and how she's fun to be around. David said the other day "I think they all like her a lot." As we both work, it's good to know that your child is being well cared for and "loved" in a place that she spends a large portion of her day.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
A Day at the Park

A nice park-goer offered to take a family photo. Can you believe Morgan is looking right at the camera?!
Monday, May 5, 2008
"Ferberizing" is a term used by parents who adopt the "sleep training" methods of Dr. Richard Ferber. There are all kinds of methods out there to train your baby to go to sleep on their own, some include letting your child cry and some do not. Dr. Ferber supports letting your child cry, but not just closing the bedroom door and letting them cry indefinitely. Though I wasn't sure how I was going to handle the crying, at least I knew that I wasn't going to make my child feel abandoned.
Previously we had been doing our night-time routine, a bath, lotion/massage, put on her jammies, a bottle while being rocked in the glider...then rocked until she was completely asleep. Then very, very carefully get up, walk over to the crib and place her in, praying the whole time that you won't jostle her too much or make any noise to wake her up. If she woke up it was back to the glider until she fell asleep again. Ugh.
From my research at 4-6 months, babies are neurologically able to fall asleep on their own. Some babies just start doing it on their own (lucky parents!), but most need to be "trained." We were ready to start "Ferberizing" at four months, but we had to deal with the elimination of the swaddle first. Now that that's done, here's how it works. You get your child ready to go to sleep in the usual manner, though the first night it is good to start a bit later than normal so the baby is more tired. After you are done with your routine, you put your baby in bed awake. Our doctor recommended putting them to bed drowsy at first, so this is what we did. She had her bottle and was partly asleep, but not completely. Once she was in the crib she fussed around a bit and eventually started to cry. Once she starts to cry you wait a designated amount of time to just let them CIO (or "Cry It Out" - this is another message board term like STTN, Sleeping Through The Night). We started with three minutes. This was harder than I thought. When Morgan cries, she cries loud and hard. We turned down the sound on the monitor (we can watch her on the video screen) and closed the door to the bonus room. When the three minutes are up one of us would go into her room and "soothe" her for a minute or two. We aren't allowed to pick her up, but we would talk to her and rub her tummy and give her some kisses. Usually she would calm down some. Then you have to leave the room making sure she was still awake and aware you are not there.
Then you wait at longer intervals, five minutes, then ten minutes...then continue with the ten minute intervals as long as she is still crying. Friday night Morgan cried on and off for a total of 20 minutes (so the three, five and ten minute intervals with a few minutes that she was not actually crying). She was asleep before the first ten minute interval ended. Yay Morgan! She did about the same thing on Saturday night. Then last night she was asleep before the five minute interval was I think it took her about 6-7 minutes from when we put her down to fall asleep. Fantastic!! You are actually supposed to increase the intervals each night...but until this moment I completely forgot about that. It worked fine anyway. We are still working on this for naps...but it looks like the nights are going well. When/if she wakes up around 3-4 am to eat we put her right back in her crib again...both Saturday and last night she fussed around for about 30 minutes and went back to sleep for a few hours. No real crying. Good girl!
This works great for us as we like to have Morgan go to sleep around 8:00 pm. If we have to rock/soothe her completely to sleep each night it takes much longer. Now we can have more time with her knowing that as soon as she finishes her bottle, she can be put in her crib and go to sleep on her own. This is good for her so she develops the ability to put herself to sleep ..thus she sleeps better and longer because she doesn't need us to "help" her get to sleep.
We'll let you know how this continues to go. We are excited about Morgan's progress. I'm sure teething will totally throw everything out of whack, but for now it's going great.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
While Mommy Made Dinner

You'll be glad to know Morgan was promptly fed and and happy again. Her teachers at daycare always comment on how sweet she is...and then she gets hungry. It happens so quickly. She'll be happy playing and then all of a sudden screaming to eat. And I mean red-faced, top-of-her-lungs screaming. At least we can say she sure knows how to communicate what she wants.
Friday, May 2, 2008
When she bites down on my finger it's not a gentle bite anymore. She's got lots of teething "toys" to chew on. Every once in a while I run my finger along her lower gums to see if I feel anything. Nothing yet and they are are not red or irritated yet.
We keep getting teased by this teething thing. I figure when it really happens we'll know for certain! In the meantime we'll enjoy our girl's cute little gummy smile.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Mommy Time
Aside from the thing I've noticed...I dread the days David's gone, but when I'm in the midst of it I really appreciate the time alone I get with Morgan. There is always something new and special for us to experience together. A few things from last night:
* Morgan spent a little time in her Jumperoo again. I'm trying not to leave her in there for too long, but I really needed to get something to eat. She continued to jump herself silly again. As I mentioned in an earlier post, they have the same one at her daycare. One of her teachers left a note on her daily report that she liked it so much she fell asleep in it! I hope they're not keeping her in there too long either...
* Morgan laughed for me again! Last time I made her laugh by kissing her cheeks and making funny sounds. I've been trying to do that again for a while with no luck. Last night I added a variation. When I kissed her I made a little "buzzing" sound with my lips on her cheeks that tickled a little. She especially liked it when I kissed her little chin. We called Daddy and he got to hear a few giggles too. Her little laughs are so sweet, like sparkles of sunshine. I know that sounds cheesy, but it makes me so happy!
* Bath time brought a new discovery. I was carefully cleaning some tender areas and I looked at her face and noticed she was sucking her thumb! She usually sucks her fist or a few fingers, but I'd never seen her actually put her thumb in her mouth.
* When I dropped her off at daycare this morning, I went to leave and the "pouty face" came out and she started to cry. I think we're seeing the start of some separation anxiety. The teacher was able to distract her with some toys before she really got going...and I slipped out the door. I don't want to her to get upset, but secretly I was a little proud of the fact that she would miss her Mommy.
Tune in next week for some more "Mommy Time" stories!