Morgan is 10 months old! Her "photo shoot" was really difficult this time, even with David helping. She wanted to do everything, but sit and look at the camera. Here's are few more shots:

Hopefully all these images will still enlarge when you click on them. A few of you have said that sometimes you can't make them bigger. I think when I move them around to get them in the right place in the post, something happens to a few of them. I'm not sure how to fix it though.
Morgan had a fun weekend. We had a BBQ with some neighbors on Friday. They have two little boys who are 4 and 2 and a girl on the way, due right around Morgan's birthday. Morgan was fascinated with the boys and they were so sweet to play with her. Saturday was David and my 5th wedding anniversary. We celebrated with a great steak dinner and Morgan got to hang out with our friends Barry and Christine. She was so good! The nursery caregivers at church also commented on how good she always is. She's not a crier...at least, not yet.
Happy 10 Months Boo Boo Girl! We love you so much!
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