...is coming. I'm having trouble copying and pasting from a word document. Any advice? I really don't want to have to retype the whole thing. In the meantime here are a few pics from right after Piper's birth and in the hospital. I will have more once I can download them from my Dad's camera.

I got to hold her right away all blue and wiggling. This is after they were able to clean her off a bit and put on a hat. Don't I look lovely, running mascara and all?!

She was so red and splotchy! They did say she won the "chubby cheek" award for the day.

She rolls on her side like this on the changing table too. Must be comfy.

With Daddy

As soon as I put this outfit on her she just conked out asleep. It was like, "finally Mom, I was cold!"
Thanks for our first peek - she's lovely!
Congratulations Meg! What a beautiful family you have! Having two girls is so much fun....take it from me, now that mine are 5 and 2!
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