Daddy feeding her in her "big girl" booster seat.

A diaper change in the trunk of Grandpa's car after a stroll around the Lafayette Reservoir. Who has a trunk this clean?! Only my Dad. :-)

Brunch at Millie's, a Lafayette favorite...and yes, she did flirt with some boys and an older gentleman at the restaurant.

Grandma's got hold of the back of Morgan's skirt to keep her steady.

Morgan started clapping while we were on vacation!

Morgan and Walt, David's best friend from high school...and his best man. Walt and his wife Becca are expecting their first child in January '09. We're sooo excited for them

Morgan "army crawling" to Auntie Ali and her new bath time book.

The knobs on Grandma's kitchen drawers looked really yummy.

At Auntie Ali's office at Old Navy corporate in San Francisco. She has a bear like this one at home too. Ali has lots of pictures of Morgan in her workspace, so everyone came to see her in person.

Another shot at Auntie Ali's desk. As we were leaving David heard someone say "must be a baby model"...the star of a future ad campaign?!

With Grandma at the Open House party. They match!

With Grandpa, watching Daddy (on his phone, of course)

Actually holding her bottle...this doesn't happen often folks. She must have been really hungry!

Getting some reading done on the plane, about to head back to Spokane.

She slept the whole way home. One passenger commented as we were getting off the plane "I didn't even know there was a baby on this flight." Yay, Morgan!
Now we have our first trip under our belt...next, we're headed to Chicago to visit Auntie Cristen, Uncle Ian and Cousin Jack. We can't wait to see them!
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