It has finally been warm here the past few days. Our bonus/family room doesn't quite get the ventilation that the rest of the house does, so lately it's been pretty warm in there. The other day Morgan seemed overheated while playing so I stripped her down to her diaper and just let her run around. David came home around that time and started calling her "Diaper Girl." She was hilarious! She would look d
own at her "buhdda" belly a
nd grab the pudge and just play with it. I was able to catch this pose (above), but it was even funnier when she lifted up both her arms and put them behind her back with her head still on the floor. What a goof! After dinner David started chasing her up and down the hallway. She would "run", but get so excited that she'd fall down every few steps. She was laughing too hard to balance! I think she was letting David "catch" her because she wanted to be tickled and thrown in the air. We think we'll be seeing a lot more of Diaper Girl in the future.
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