Piper had her 4 month well baby appointment on Tuesday. She did so well! Of course she had to get some nasty shots, but unfortunately they are a necessary evil. Here are her stats:
Weight: 13 lbs 11 oz (51%)
Height: 25 inches (77%)
Head Circ.: 16 cm (40%)
So she's not as tall as Morgan was, but she's definitely leaner at this point. She still is pretty tall and quickly growing into those 3-6 month clothes.
The rest of the day after the appointment was a challenge. Piper was pretty fussy all day and didn't nap well. When she woke up in the night she had a bit of a fever, but we had been warned that the immunizations could cause a low grade fever. She got her first dose of Tylenol and slept fine.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Piper is 4 Months Old!!
Piper was 4 months old yesterday! She is growing so fast. We have her Pediatrician appointment tomorrow so I'll announce her "stats" then. I also acknowledge that I haven't posted any Christmas photos yet. We got some really great ones...I just downloaded them, so we'll get them up soon. Here are a few cute photos David took of Piper yesterday...

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Rolling and Talking
Piper rolled over for the first time on Tuesday and has done it several times since! It was especially nice when she rolled over for the Physical Therapist who was here yesterday (for Morgan). Nice performance!
So, Wednesday a Speech Therapist, Physical Therapist and Teacher came to our house to do an evaluation of Morgan for Early Intervention. To bring everyone up to speed, at Morgan's 15 month well baby appointment the pediatrician was concerned about her verbal communication development. She fell in a borderline area, not way behind, but a little behind. Basically she's supposed to be putting together some phrases (maybe not full sentences) and really use her words to express her wants and needs. She uses some words ("please" and "down" most often), but when she gets upset she just yells instead of trying to communicate what exactly she wants.
We decided to wait until closer to her 2 year appointment to do any further evaluation. At one of Piper's early appointments I obtained the questionnaire that they use at Morgan's 2-year appointment so I could determine where she was at...and she still fell in a borderline area. I decided it wouldn't hurt to contact Early Intervention to have a full evaluation. Early Intervention is a program that is run (in our area) by the Spokane Regional Health District. They provide services for children with "special needs" from birth to 3 years old. Not that I think of Morgan as a child with "special needs," but they provide some helpful services if your child is either slightly or more severely behind developmentally.
The therapists put Morgan though some exercises and asked me a lot of questions. The speech therapist called me later in the day at let me know that Morgan "just" qualified for speech therapy (apparently 25% behind), so we will start some weekly sessions in January. I'm pretty sure Morgan will catch up to her age group soon and especially when she starts her first preschool class next fall, but I will appreciate any help the therapist can give us and so we can learn how to help her along with her communication.
I haven't heard back from the other therapists yet, but they are moving offices next week. They said if she qualifies in one area she can get therapy in all areas, so we will wait and see what they say.
So, Wednesday a Speech Therapist, Physical Therapist and Teacher came to our house to do an evaluation of Morgan for Early Intervention. To bring everyone up to speed, at Morgan's 15 month well baby appointment the pediatrician was concerned about her verbal communication development. She fell in a borderline area, not way behind, but a little behind. Basically she's supposed to be putting together some phrases (maybe not full sentences) and really use her words to express her wants and needs. She uses some words ("please" and "down" most often), but when she gets upset she just yells instead of trying to communicate what exactly she wants.
We decided to wait until closer to her 2 year appointment to do any further evaluation. At one of Piper's early appointments I obtained the questionnaire that they use at Morgan's 2-year appointment so I could determine where she was at...and she still fell in a borderline area. I decided it wouldn't hurt to contact Early Intervention to have a full evaluation. Early Intervention is a program that is run (in our area) by the Spokane Regional Health District. They provide services for children with "special needs" from birth to 3 years old. Not that I think of Morgan as a child with "special needs," but they provide some helpful services if your child is either slightly or more severely behind developmentally.
The therapists put Morgan though some exercises and asked me a lot of questions. The speech therapist called me later in the day at let me know that Morgan "just" qualified for speech therapy (apparently 25% behind), so we will start some weekly sessions in January. I'm pretty sure Morgan will catch up to her age group soon and especially when she starts her first preschool class next fall, but I will appreciate any help the therapist can give us and so we can learn how to help her along with her communication.
I haven't heard back from the other therapists yet, but they are moving offices next week. They said if she qualifies in one area she can get therapy in all areas, so we will wait and see what they say.
Early Intervention,
Speech Therapy
Monday, December 21, 2009
Baby Piper/Jesus
Yesterday I put all of our Christmas cards on the walls of the living room. They look really pretty! Morgan was checking out a card with Mary and baby Jesus on it. Here's how the "conversation" went:
Morgan: "Puh-puh (Piper)... baby."
Meg: "Morgan, that's Baby Jesus"
Morgan: "A-meen (Amen)"
Morgan: "Puh-puh (Piper)... baby."
Meg: "Morgan, that's Baby Jesus"
Morgan: "A-meen (Amen)"
Friday, December 18, 2009
Morgan's 2-year Pedi Appointment
Yesterday Morgan had her 2-year Dr. appointment. We had to go to a new pediatrician (darn insurance), so we didn't know what to expect.
It went pretty well. Morgan weighed in at 29 lbs. (74th percentile) and 35 inches (78th percentile), so she's still pretty tall for her age, but thinning out overall. I heard someone say once that if you double their height at age two, that how tall they will be as an adult. If I'm calculating it right, she'll be 5'10"! That's way taller than me.
She was a trooper through the appointment. She fussed a bunch during the exam and, of course, wailed through some vaccinations, but she calmed down pretty quickly. I think that's pretty typical for 2-year olds though. The Dr. thought it would be good for us to get her evaluated by Early Intervention for her speech. He did not seem worried about it at this point, but he didn't think if would hurt since we already had it set up (next week). Our old pediatrician seemed more concerned about it. Huh? Well, we'll see how it goes.
I think that's about it. We have Piper's 4 month appointment on the 29th, so we'll be back there really soon.
It went pretty well. Morgan weighed in at 29 lbs. (74th percentile) and 35 inches (78th percentile), so she's still pretty tall for her age, but thinning out overall. I heard someone say once that if you double their height at age two, that how tall they will be as an adult. If I'm calculating it right, she'll be 5'10"! That's way taller than me.
She was a trooper through the appointment. She fussed a bunch during the exam and, of course, wailed through some vaccinations, but she calmed down pretty quickly. I think that's pretty typical for 2-year olds though. The Dr. thought it would be good for us to get her evaluated by Early Intervention for her speech. He did not seem worried about it at this point, but he didn't think if would hurt since we already had it set up (next week). Our old pediatrician seemed more concerned about it. Huh? Well, we'll see how it goes.
I think that's about it. We have Piper's 4 month appointment on the 29th, so we'll be back there really soon.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Gym Workout
Note: To explain yesterday's Wordless Wednesday...it's been tough to get good pictures of Morgan lately. Every time I pull out the camera she wants to look at the "pictures" on the back of the camera (the display). When I took that picture she was really pissed that I wouldn't let her look. She didn't cry, but she made a lot of whiny noises.
On to today's post...Piper's been getting a workout in her baby gym lately. Check it out!
On to today's post...Piper's been getting a workout in her baby gym lately. Check it out!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Not so wordless... this just in...
Morgan actually "mooned" me during her nap. I checked out the video monitor not so long ago and I was looking right at her naked butt!!! She managed to remove her diaper before she fell asleep. I had visions of a wet, yucky bed, but when I went in all was dry. Whew!
Now am I going to have to fight to keep a diaper on her? On the other hand, maybe potty training is closer than we think!
Now am I going to have to fight to keep a diaper on her? On the other hand, maybe potty training is closer than we think!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
And the stockings were hung...
We put up our tree and decorations this weekend. I love our little tree! Enjoy!
Morgan likes playing with the ornaments around the bottom of the tree. None have been broken, yet. She especially likes the "M" ornament and says "M! M!" every time she sees it.
It only looks like we have three stockings, but there are four here. Mine is the green one and David's is hanging behind it on the same hook. That's what happens when you think you'll only have one kid and you buy stocking hangers that say "J-O-Y". I'm looking for an angel or other single stocking hanger to add to the three letters so we can show all four. Isn't Piper's cute (the red and white one)?! Grandma B and Aunt Ali made it and just delivered it to us when Ali visited.

Friday, December 11, 2009
Toddler Adventures
Morgan has become increasingly independent since Piper arrived. At least once a day I will find her headed downstairs (if we are upstairs) or upstairs if we are downstairs. Just this evening I was feeding Piper in the bonus room and she disappeared for a few minutes. I called out to her and thought I heard some noise coming from down the hall. A few minutes later I see Morgan coming up the stairs with a crinkly package in her hands. It was a bag of crackers. She had gone downstairs, then into the kitchen, opened the door to the pantry (we don't always completely shut the door), grabbed the crackers and headed back upstairs. She had already had a snack...I guess she wanted some more. If she had been able to open the bag herself I think she wouldn't have bothered bringing it to me at all.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Morgan is 2 Years Old!!
This is so late in coming, since Morgan's birthday was on Saturday. Aunt Ali came to visit and Piper has been in a major growth spurt, so I haven't had much time to blog. Here's a few pics from the birthday evening...
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Potty Meltdown
So...I broke down and bought an actual potty chair. David did not want to do this as he hates the idea of having to clean out the cup they pee/poop in. I was over at a friend's house the other day for a play date and they have a really cute one for their little girl. I also noticed that the seat on the potty chair detached from the chair and attached very securely to the "big" potty. The potty seat we currently have is not very secure and every time I put Morgan on it I'm afraid she will slide off. I also thought maybe she'd be more comfortable on a chair her size.
I pulled it out of the box after Morgan's nap and she was instantly fascinated. No, she was not interested in peeing or pooping in it, she became obsessed with the music...yes, music. The little "pink princess" potty chair plays "royal" tunes when the child pees in it. I figured out that you can just touch the sensors and it will play the music. Big mistake. Morgan kept trying to get the music to play on her own and couldn't figure it out. She kept wanting me to do it and when I got tired of it and tried to put it away she had the most MAJOR meltdown yet. Then Piper started screaming. I really think both of them screamed for about 15 minutes. I finally put the potty chair in the bathroom and closed the door.
Morgan kept running around upstairs, crying, trying to find it. I put her on my lap and sangs some songs, still crying. Had her do the ABCs, worked for a minute, then she started bawling again. I finally got her calmed down, then went to feed Piper (to get her to stop screaming). There were random bursts of tears throughout the evening. They both conked out about 8:15 pm, exhausted. Morgan must have worked up an appetite too. She cleaned her plate of macaroni and cheese, peas and carrots, and asked for more...twice! In the midst of the tantrum she didn't get her usual snack. If that results in her actually eating her dinner, I might hesitate on the snacks more.
Before her bath I put Morgan on the potty chair to try it out. She did not want to sit on it. Looks like we've got a long way to go...
I pulled it out of the box after Morgan's nap and she was instantly fascinated. No, she was not interested in peeing or pooping in it, she became obsessed with the music...yes, music. The little "pink princess" potty chair plays "royal" tunes when the child pees in it. I figured out that you can just touch the sensors and it will play the music. Big mistake. Morgan kept trying to get the music to play on her own and couldn't figure it out. She kept wanting me to do it and when I got tired of it and tried to put it away she had the most MAJOR meltdown yet. Then Piper started screaming. I really think both of them screamed for about 15 minutes. I finally put the potty chair in the bathroom and closed the door.
Morgan kept running around upstairs, crying, trying to find it. I put her on my lap and sangs some songs, still crying. Had her do the ABCs, worked for a minute, then she started bawling again. I finally got her calmed down, then went to feed Piper (to get her to stop screaming). There were random bursts of tears throughout the evening. They both conked out about 8:15 pm, exhausted. Morgan must have worked up an appetite too. She cleaned her plate of macaroni and cheese, peas and carrots, and asked for more...twice! In the midst of the tantrum she didn't get her usual snack. If that results in her actually eating her dinner, I might hesitate on the snacks more.
Before her bath I put Morgan on the potty chair to try it out. She did not want to sit on it. Looks like we've got a long way to go...
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