We put up our tree and decorations this weekend. I love our little tree! Enjoy!

Morgan likes playing with the ornaments around the bottom of the tree. None have been broken, yet. She especially likes the "M" ornament and says "M! M!"
every time she sees it.

It only looks like we have three stockings, but there are four here. Mine is the green one and David's is hanging behind it on the same hook. That's what happens when you think you'll only have one kid and you buy stocking hangers that say "J-O-Y". I'm looking for an angel or other single stocking hanger to add to the three letters so we can show all four. Isn't Piper's cute (the red and white one)?! Grandma B and Aunt Ali made it and just delivered it to us when Ali visited.

Here's just the tree. Isn't it pretty! I wanted a small, simple one and it turned out perfect.
Thanks for sharing! Have a wonderful Christmas!
Great Christmas tree and stockings,and you found the tree skirt. Also noticed you put the candlestand out. Looking very festive.
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