A bit late in posting, but not forgotten. We had a really nice day on Sunday for Father's Day. David got to sleep in and woke up to his little girls bringing him breakfast in bed (with Mama's help, of course). Here are a few pictures of our
leisurely morning (via iPhone). We call this series of photos "attack Daddy!" BTW - David is doing some ice and heat therapy for his back. That's a whole other story.

David got lots of rest that day, watched a little golf and hung out with his girls. He really deserved a day like this. David really is the best Dad to these girls. So many times I hear other Moms complain about how their husbands are not as involved with the kids as they would like. If he doesn't have work obligations, David likes to get up with them in the morning, he plays, tickles and even changes the messiest of diapers...and Piper is a challenge with this!! He comes to their doctor appointments and meets with therapists. We wants to be a part of all of it, good and difficult. They miss him when he is out of town for work and are so excited when he gets home.
I'm the luckiest wife too...who's husband cleans bathrooms?! Mine!! I'd say our responsibilities around the house are pretty even as well. David is also so dedicated to his work. He really challenges himself to succeed so he can take care of his family. All of his girls (including me) love him SO much!
A funny story from Father's Day...we went out to dinner that night to one of our favorite local spots, Max. We enjoyed some wonderful Huckleberry BBQ ribs and the girls behaved really well. Morgan got a special treat of a bowl of ice cream for desert and she ate the whole bowl all by herself!

As I was putting Morgan in her car seat after we had left the restaurant, I glanced up at her. I saw a flash of something green in her nose...no, not a booger, it was BRIGHT green and round. She had shoved a pea up her nose!! Now, that would be funny...but the more incredible thing was that she did not have peas for dinner, she had them at lunch! She had napped and played earlier in the day with a pea stuck up her nose! I guess it didn't bother her. We tried to get a picture... Morgan was not cooperating...

First try. Whoops!

Second try, you can kind of see a shadow in the right nostril

After the extraction, here is the offending vegetable...
A fun day, including expected adventures with a toddler and a baby. Thanks David/Daddy for being the best Daddy/Husband ever!!
1 comment:
The pea story is still making me laugh! I'm so glad my gremlins haven't tried this yet!
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