The Shock won another one on Saturday night! This was the second playoff game. One more to go that will decide the conference champions and who will go to the Arena Cup on the 22
nd in Vegas. Next week's game will not be easy, but luckily it will be at home again. Here are some pics from the evening.

Morgan really likes her friend Ella

An example of the kid craziness that goes on in the suite. Morgan is climbing on the couch among the chaos.

Watching the game with Daddy


The "aftermath"
It doesn't look too bad in this picture, but Morgan took a tumble down the two small steps in the suite that night. She had been navigating the steps well until she got gutsy and tried to take a "real" step down (instead of crawling backwards like usual). We're lucky she only ended up with a bruise under her eye. Expect for a few skinned knees, this is one of the first visible injuries she's had. We figure there will be more where this came from the bigger she gets.
1 comment:
She looks so tough with her bruise! So cute.
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