We spent the late day and evening on Liberty Lake at some friends' home who have access to a nice private beach. We had a wonderful BBQ dinner and the weather was great. Not too hot and the water was pretty warm too. It was tough to corral Morgan because every time we let her off on her own she headed off for the water. I think we have a water baby on our hands. David took her swimming once which she loved. Then later in the evening as it was (finally) turning dark, David took her back down to the water. I hung out talking with some people on the grassy area and each time I'd look down to the beach I'd see David sitting on a beach chair talking with a friend...no Morgan in sight. Hmmm. I headed over and this is what I found:

...THIS. Out girl doesn't mind getting dirty. She also had sand on top of her head too.

I think her "friend" was a little freaked out though. She doesn't hesitate when she wants to play with something or someone, but since she's not very verbal I think the older kids get a little nervous because they don't know what she's going to do. She sure has a good time though!
The fireworks started around 10:15 pm and at first Morgan was just awed watching them. Then around the middle she started clapping and then when they were over she cried a little. She wasn't scared at all by the noise though. Right after that we bundled her up in her jammies and headed home. Within about 10 minutes of putting her in her bed, she was asleep. All in all we had a great day!
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